approaching Devil's elbow

 Another 2.4 miles today. Yay me! Over 20 miles total so far. It's like knitting. Doing a little bit over and over adds up and eventually you have a blanket! About half a mile down the hill from our house is an area where a couple of peacocks are running wild. I spoke to a lady out watering her flowers, and she said they've been there for years. And, like roosters, they greet the dawn with their joyful cries. However, a joyful peacock sounds like a screaming demon braying in agony. Someone new to the neighborhood is going to have some startled awakenings. I'm amazed that the peacocks have wintered over successfully, but free range birds do know how to find shelter. The neighborhood cats are cautious and respectful.

On my virtual walk, I have been strolling along above the Lorne Costal Preserve, am up to the East viewpoint, and approaching the Devil's Elbow. Oh how I wish I could share the photos here. Rugged, wild, exotic rock stacks standing out from the costal cliffs. Ocher stone and azure sea and sky such a deep blue you could fall into it and drown. I'm so glad I have taken this challenge!!


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