Still trudging on

It's so nice to take my walks in the morning.  The light is gorgeous, the air is cool, my fellow walkers are cheery, and the roses are as fresh and perfect as can be.

Today I met two friendly kitties at the free figs house.  Friendly kitties are such a bonus.  I met one yesterday who wanted to follow me home.  Wish I COULD bring all the friendly kitties home, but the kitties we DO have don't think they get enough loving as it is.

These morning walks are becoming a moveable feast.  Windfall pears and apples, low-hanging prunes, ripe blackberries!   Fennel, mint and lemon balm growing as weeds.  Lush and delicious August.  But autumn is pinching light off both ends of the day.  There's a poem in there.  I'll leave it alone and let it ripen for a while.


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